This chart is intended as a reference guide only. The Pantone colors here have been matched as closely as possible.

The following swatches display Basic Colors that are used to mix solid Pantone Colors. Each Basic Color can also be used as a Pantone Color and is identified by a unique Pantone Name and/or number.

PANTONE Basic Colors

PANTONE Pastel Basic Colors

PANTONE Neon Basic Colors

PANTONE Metallic Basic Colors

The following swatches display the basic colors for Pantone Goe. Goe is a range of 2,058 solid colors that have been optimized to be coated with aqueous and UV coatings with minimal shifts in color. Goe colors have also been formulated to be easily reproducible using current printing methods. To learn more about Goe, please visit Pantone.

PANTONE Goe Basic Colors

PANTONE Plus Series Solid Colors